I don't trust any organizations who operate under a veil of secrecy and elitism - Freemasonry and the Watchtower included.
Dead Man Joaquin
JoinedPosts by Dead Man Joaquin
Freemasons, tied to JW's?
by hanginloose inhi all, i'm new to logon here.
i'm not a jw, or an ex-jw, so i hope you don't mind my posting.
i have had some history with studying with them.
Freemasons, tied to JW's?
by hanginloose inhi all, i'm new to logon here.
i'm not a jw, or an ex-jw, so i hope you don't mind my posting.
i have had some history with studying with them.
Dead Man Joaquin
The WT and the Masons have similar M.O.s in that they are both secretive organizations who will only reveal certain information to initiates. The WT's secrecy and initiation processes aren't as overt but they are undeniable.
New blog for truth-seekers
by Dead Man Joaquin inhttp://devinewill.blogspot.com.
please visit and comment.
this'll be the last time i pimp my blog, i promise ;).
Dead Man Joaquin
...well, unless you consider keeping you informed of updates "pimping", that is... ;)
New blog for truth-seekers
by Dead Man Joaquin inhttp://devinewill.blogspot.com.
please visit and comment.
this'll be the last time i pimp my blog, i promise ;).
Dead Man Joaquin
Please visit and comment. This'll be the last time I pimp my blog, I promise ;)
Bethel/Watchtower insiders especially are encouraged to apply.
Freemasons, tied to JW's?
by hanginloose inhi all, i'm new to logon here.
i'm not a jw, or an ex-jw, so i hope you don't mind my posting.
i have had some history with studying with them.
Dead Man Joaquin
No link, eh? Is that what your 33rd Degree Worshipful Grand Poobah told you?
UN LIBRARY CARD: What it really means
by tula inwould you like to take a peek inside that infamous library?.
there is a link embedded within this thread that will show you the interior and some amazing things.
it is like no library you have ever seen.
Dead Man Joaquin
A scenario similar to this would not surprise me at all. Is a jump to the NWO religion really that far-fetched? All Faithy Discreety McSlaveypants would have to do is write it off as New Light, and the vast majority of the R&F would swallow it whole. Remember the suggested Masonic/Illuminist connections to the WT? If they are really the ones in control, then isn't it possible that the WT organization is, at the top, ultimately a grand experiment, or a tool used to hone mind-control techniques? If you wanted to test the waters regarding a one-world-religion scenario on a fairly large group of people, would there be any better choice than the JWs or maybe the Mormons?
Call me a conspiracy nut if you like. But I think there's some truth to everything. Tula, if you or others wish to host a blog regarding your theories, please visit http://devinewill.blogspot.com. I'm determined to get to the bottom of this stuff... Watchtower or no Watchtower.
Appalling Mind Control Comment from CO
by betweenworlds ini just came across this comment by someone from a group i belong to .
we just had the visit of our co...his wife made this comment to me:.
"'as i was reading the very powerful articles in the last public issue of the wt with study articles...i couldn't help but imagine that the brothers are waving a goodbye to people!'...
Dead Man Joaquin
I agree with your points Homer, but consider this: 1975 was a severe blow to the organization. The ONLY reason that the WT survived that (by which I mean not dwindling to a handful of zealots) is because of information/damage control. Same with the "Great Apostasy" of the early 80s. But now, due to the Internet, information and damage control is pretty much a moot point. The WT must know that they cannot survive another 1975 (i.e. telling them Armageddon is REALLY right around the corner and we REALLY mean it this time), so why are they apparently hyping it again and buckling down for the GT?
Again, I believe it's because they've got some kind of Final Solution planned which will effectively mean the end of the WT (outside of maybe a few splinter groups). And it would not surprise me if they are secretly cooperating with TPTB to implement it. If globalists/illuminists are indeed attempting to usher in a New World Order of some kind... wouldn't they want a control group, a microcosm for a bigger plan, for experimental purposes? Keep watching the LDS Church (a documented Masonic group) and the WT (a rumored Masonic group). They could very well serve as a bellwether for world events over the next few years.
Appalling Mind Control Comment from CO
by betweenworlds ini just came across this comment by someone from a group i belong to .
we just had the visit of our co...his wife made this comment to me:.
"'as i was reading the very powerful articles in the last public issue of the wt with study articles...i couldn't help but imagine that the brothers are waving a goodbye to people!'...
Dead Man Joaquin
The end of the preaching work... precisely. Matthew 24:14, right?
Now would be a better time than any other for the GB to cut their losses, declare the preaching work complete, and move on to Phase II of The Final Solution or Christ-knows-what.
Growth (especially in developed countries due to the proliferation of the Interet) is statistically at an all-time low if I'm not mistaken. They know that the primary source of JW growth is JWs reproducing themselves... so why put out an article discouraging Dubs from reproducing....
They were about to wrap this whole thing up?
by tula inso that this will be no surprise to you, and so you will not be swayed in your firm stand of holy spirit truth, i give you this.. .
in the coming months expect to hear this in the kh and the mags..... "for those of you who have heard of the association of the wts and the un and have patiently and faithfully waited on jehovah, we can now tell you our reasons for doing this.
it has all been under the direction of the fds.. this library card was necessary because..... there are very old manuscripts that have never been deciphered and they have been housed within that library.. through much prayer and careful consideration, jah directed for our team of translators, which are the best and most accurate in the world, to be a part of this great uncovering of the new scrolls.".
Dead Man Joaquin
Do you have anything to back this up, or is it just speculation? I have often wondered if scenarios similar to this will occur within the WT to usher in the NWO religion. After all, if Illuminist groups such as the Freemasons are as heavily invested in the WT as has been rumored, would there be a better religion to attempt a dry-run for this sort of thing to observe the results before going global with it? It would not surprise me one bit if the WT is just one big experiment in mind-control techniques by "the hidden hand".
You may find this blog interesting: http://devinewill.blogspot.com. Feel free to contribute.
Appalling Mind Control Comment from CO
by betweenworlds ini just came across this comment by someone from a group i belong to .
we just had the visit of our co...his wife made this comment to me:.
"'as i was reading the very powerful articles in the last public issue of the wt with study articles...i couldn't help but imagine that the brothers are waving a goodbye to people!'...
Dead Man Joaquin
OR... this could be a bluff to test organizational loyalty and clear out the fence-sitters. Perhaps an oath of allegiance to the Watchtower will be required? Or the speaker will ask for a show of hands, "How many of you are prepared to sacrifice everything, including your loved ones, for the organization?" and those who don't respond will be permanently banned from the KH.
Damn, where are the Bethel insiders when we need them?